
Bali Beach Wedding

Bali is a well known place and popular spot for weddings in the Asia Pacific. The fine Indonesian hospitality and the great beaches make it a nice tropical island to visit and to conduct the beach wedding.

Marriage requirements

The residency period is a minimum of 10 days. If the wedding organizers submit this on your behalf, this requirement can be waived.

Documents Needed:

Proof of ID: You will be required to produce your original birth certificates and passport with at least six months validity remaining upon your arrival in Bali.
• 5 passport size photographs
• If you are divorced, you must produce your decree absolute with the court stamp. Divorced Catholics are not allowed to wed in Bali.
• If you are widowed, you will have to produce the death certificate of your former spouse and your former marriage certificate. Widowed Catholics are not allowed to wed in Bali.
• The legal age to marry is 18 and above. If you are underaged, you would need parental consent.
• For Catholics: you must obtain from your parish priest, a letter of Freedom to Marry, a letter of Delegation addressed to the church in Bali stating that your parish has no objections to your marriage service to be performed in Bali and a Pre Nuptial enquiry to be performed by you and your priest.
The marriage license has to be obtained from Jakarta and thus you must go to your respective embassy to sign an affidavit swearing that you are free to marry and to apply for a Certificate of No Impediments. You would need to produce originals documents at the time of application.

There are no restrictions on where you can hold your wedding ceremony. One thing to note is that you cannot just have a civil ceremony. For beach weddings, it is always better to check whether the location allow such weddings as usually beach weddings are done on private beaches.